DmxControlPro 3: Cue window

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DmxControlPro 3 - Cue window.png

In the Cue window one can create snapshots of a setting to use at a later time. Watch our demonstration of the Cue Window here

How to get there

Press [OPTION+S] for the Scene Window to appear or choose Main Menu > Window > Cue Window

Add channels or output to a cue.
Set a scene to your lights with the Slider window and press [Save channels] to save only the channels to the selected cue. If you want to save all DMX-values including your preset, active cue or chase use [Save output].

Fades, pre- and post-wait.
There are a couple of fade options built into each cue. The green values control the Fade-in and Fade-out times. The blue values control the pre-wait and post-wait times.

Start next cue

[this part of the manual is under construction]

Using Audio, Image and/or Video cues

Next to the usual DMX Cues, you can add a video, audio and/or image Cue. To show images or videos, open the Video window from the windows menu. Drag it to the screen you want it on and double click to make it full screen. Double click again to remove full-screen. 

To add a file to a Cue, use the button [Click to open file].

If you started a video or audiofile at a Cue and you add an image to the next scene, the video or audiofile will continue playing, but the video will be overlay-ed over the image. (But you can still hear the audio of the videofile), unless you check [End other cues].

End all cues and the Panic Button
There are two ways to end the output from the Cue Window. The button [End all cues] uses all fade times specified with each cue to fade out all the cues at once. The Panic Button does the same, only the output will be cut immediately without fades.

Configuring MIDI for interapplication operation.

The IAC Midi bus can cause trouble in lightning when the same bus is turned on at the midi input as well as the midi output. It will cause double clicks on buttons for instance, resulting in skipping every other scene. DmxControlPro has it's on virtual midi ports, that can be used in other software, It is best practice to disable unused midi ports in the Preferences Window. Lightning automatically recognized the new MIDI port. MIDI Configuration Screenshot QLab Default Preferences